Trees contribute to and are important for the environment and quality of urban life.
Despite this, in many cities across the country, including Jerusalem, thousands of trees are being cut down every year, as a result of poor planning and management. At the Annual General Meeting of the JGF in 2021, it was decided to devote a specific effort in order to support the conservation of trees in the city.
Thanks to a grant from the Sheli Foundation, in 2021-2022 Noga Ripin joined the JGF team to promote this cause. With the guidance of Jerusalem Stakeholder Yisrael Galon, she coordinated meetings and training sessions for the Jerusalem branch of “Saving the Trees” and for the general public, and updated materials for the general public on “at risk” trees.
Later, thanks to a grant from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, we were able to hold a course about "Trees in the Public Domain", with the over 30 participants from Jerusalem and the surrounding area, in order to train more tree guardians. Following the course, the graduates continue to meet once a month under the leadership of Israel Galon, coordinated by JGF staff member Efrat Cohen Flam. They are working on opening neighborhood “tree guardian” groups, with the support of the municipality and KKL.
The study materials, the presentations, and the recordings of the course meetings (except for the tours) are available here for the public.
For more information and to join The Tree Guardians contact: Efrat 052-5665364

What to do if you see a Tree in Danger of Destruction