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We accept Interns to work with us for a summer, for a semester or as part of the Rothberg International School, Hebrew University, Porter School Tel Aviv University, JInternships, gap year programs and more. 

We thank all our Interns - current and past - for their hard work and commitment to fulfilling our goal of working towards a greener, cleaner and healthier Jerusalem. If you would like to Intern with us please send us an email with your CV /Resume attached.

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Ian Donahue

Hello everyone, my name is Ian Donahue and I am one of this year’s summer interns! I recently graduated from Michigan State University in the U.S. with a degree in international policy and Jewish Studies. I was an exchange student at Hebrew University in 2021, and was deeply impacted by the many wonderful connections and experiences during that time. It is my pleasure to be able to give back to the city of Jerusalem through the JGF. I am assisting with the JGF’s Jerusalem biosphere project and with the hopes for regional partnership in the pursuit of a cleaner and greener greater Jerusalem region. I am grateful for the opportunities to learn and garner experience through my time with the JGF and I look forward to the rest of my time. 

Intern 2023

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Gage Bernstein

My name is Gage Bernstein and I am one of the summer interns for JGF! I am from Augusta, Maine, and entering my Junior year at Temple University, majoring in Environmental science (Applied Ecology concentration) and going for a certificate in Mandarin Chinese. This is my second time in Israel, via the Meor JInternship program. I am primarily helping Timna Raz research the more technical side of things for the JGF’s proposed Jerusalem Urban Biosphere. Aside from that, I often help Batel with various projects, which allow me to see areas of Jerusalem that would normally not be shown to people on a Jewish program. Since my first day at JGF, I have felt welcome and embraced for the skills I bring to the table. Whether it was through chance or reason, I was able to connect the JGF with a mentor in the Meor JInternship program named Charles Maslin. In 2014, Maslin founded a company called Zeta energy, which has created a prototype for a battery that is free of environmental and social exploitation and has the potential to disrupt the Electric vehicle and Solar market. I was able to set up a meeting with Naomi & Batel and Maslin, and he agreed to become the JGF’s newest stakeholder! I was very honored to have brought the two together and am excited for what Maslin’s involvement could mean for the future of the JGF.

Intern 2023

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Eszter Reti

My name is Eszter and I’m one of the JGF summer interns! Although I’m originally from Hungary, I’m entering my second year at the University of Toronto in Canada, where I’m dual-majoring in Political Science and Environmental Studies. I have been working at Jerusalem Green Fund for some months now, specifically helping Yosef with the Urban Change app and with Eileen in outreach efforts. As an intern, I wanted to do something worthwhile with my time that would give me a sense of self-fulfillment and would allow me to make a difference. I am very happy to say that I have found these qualities and many more. My favorite part of the job however, is certainly the people. At JGF, the staff have built a community of kind and motivated individuals who are inspired to make change in the city they love and care for. Since my first day, I have felt at home and welcomed into the team. My time here so far has been entrenched in an environment that fosters growth and learning, and I cannot express enough how grateful I am to have the opportunity to work here.

Intern 2023

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Eden Gershman

My name is Eden Gershman. I have been studying at Midreshet Torah Ve’Avoda this year, and for the past couple of weeks I have been interning for the Jerusalem Green Fund. I began my environmental journey earlier this year by volunteering in a local community garden. In addition, my grandfather is a waste-management consultant who somewhat “indoctrinated” me into the world of waste and sustainability. My experience here has been amazing. I have been able to spend quality time outside in the garden and learn about the back end of the nonprofit world. 

Some highlights from my time with JGF have been working in the Bet Taylor Community Center, working in the garden in Romema, and attending an educational seminar about recycling in Israel.

I have enjoyed being able to combine my love for nature and learning about the environment and how to act sustainably. 

I’m going to miss everyone at JGF! I look forward to being back soon… 

Intern 2023

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Isabela Rascon

Isabela Rascon, originally from Chihuahua Mexico, is currently pursuing a degree in economics with a minor in sustainability at the University of Notre Dame. She is currently studying in Jerusalem for the semester and interning at the JGF. She is passionate about how sustainability looks around the world in order to find solutions that could be exchanged amongst communities in different places. Isabela is especially interested in water politics and during her time here wants to learn more about how Israel, an arid country, manages its water resources. Isabela is very excited to continue exploring Jerusalem and the surrounding areas, learning about the culture and especially deepening her knowledge and passion for the environment through hands-on experience.

Intern 2023

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Jesse Muller

My name is Jesse Muller. I enjoy reading, writing, and sketching. I chose to intern with the JGF because I believe the environment is one of the most important issues but is largely overlooked in modern-day society. I want to work with like-minded individuals to help bring awareness and implement change. I am writing a series of articles highlighting different people, places, and ideas around Israel focused on environmental problems and solutions. Currently, I’m attending Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi and plan on attending college in New York, majoring in Journalism and Political Science. I’m interested in using what I learn this year to help contribute to a healthier and sustainable environment.

Intern 2023

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Sasha Astrof

Sasha Astrof, a California resident, is currently pursuing a degree in environmental studies and anthropology at Brandeis University. She is in Jerusalem for the summer, interning for the Jerusalem Green Fund in order to expand her knowledge about sustainability in Israel, and how she is able to help even from abroad. She is so grateful to get to use her hands and work the land of Israel to make a tangible difference. Sasha is excited to learn more about how JGF interacts with the government and works to make significant change in smaller communities.

Intern Summer 2022

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Samara Fruman

Samara Fruman is currently interning at Jerusalem Green Fund through the JInternship program. She is a yoga enthusiast from Boston, Massachusetts. Samara has always loved nature and animals, but became interested in sustainability during college, where she would watch as many nature documentaries as she could in her free time. She decided to change from the pre-med track and to Environmental Science with a focus in Environmental Systems and Society at UCLA. She loves helping with outreach for the JGF and plans to do a masters in Nonprofit Management and Environmental Sciences.

Intern Summer 2022

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Aryeh (Eric) Ackerman

Aryeh Ackerman is currently studying at Ohr Somayach Yeshiva in Jerusalem and plans to stay in Israel until August 2023. He first became an intern for the Jerusalem Green Fund in 2020 online due to COVID-19 travel restrictions and conducted valuable research. Now Aryeh is in Jerusalem and loves being in-person as an intern. Since 2020 graduating York University, located in Toronto, Canada, with a BA in Geography. During the last 2 years Aryeh took relevant courses to the areas of activity of the Jerusalem Green Fund such as; food systems/security, sustainability, urban gardening, urban environmental justice, urban geography, vegetation and soils, Climate Change and GIS. He is very passionate about bringing his new learned information to the Jerusalem Green Fund!

Intern 2022


Noga Rippin

נגה ריפין, גדלה במושב בית יהושע, הדריכה טיולים בבית ספר שדה בשדה-בוקר ושם התאהבה בטבע ובמדבר והתחילה את דרכה בתחום הסביבתי. בשנים האחרונות עבדה במסגרות שונות בעיקר בחינוך והדרכה בשטח וגם טיילה בארץ ובעולם. לפני שנה עברה לגור בירושלים, כאן נחשפה לשילוב המרתק שבין עיר וסביבה, והשתתפה בפרויקטים סביבתיים וחברתיים שונים בעיר כמו "מצילות המזון" וקורס מובילי קיימות של עיריית ירושלים. לאחר סמסטר של לימודים במכון ערבה, התחילה השנה ללמוד באוניברסיטה העברית גיאוגרפיה ומדעי הסביבה. נגה הצטרפה לקרן ירושלים ירוקה כמלגאית במסגרת כפר הסטודנטים בו היא לוקחת חלק. היא חיפשה מקום בו תוכל לתרום ולהתעסק בתחומים שמעניינים אותה - לשמור על הירוק והטבע בירושלים, ולחבר אליו את התושבים. היא מצטרפת לריכוז קבוצת שומרים על העצים בירושלים, ומקווה שתוכל לקדם את הפעילות ואת הנושא החשוב הזה בעיר.

Intern 2021

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Avital Adest

Avital Adest, who lives in Modiin, went to Pelech high school in Jerusalem and is currently a participant in the Shalom Hartman Institute’s gap year program called Hevruta. It is a mixed program of Israeli and North American youth, from varying backgrounds and affiliations from orthodox to secular, and everyone in between. The first time she took interest in the environment was through an English project she researched about the environmental costs of the fast fashion industry and how it is the third most polluting industry. She was connected with the Jerusalem Green Fund through her Gap Year program and is happy to take part in an organization that is actively working on fixing environmental problems.

Intern 2021

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Ethan Lapp

Ethan Lapp, from Yonkers, New York is currently here on the “Hevruta” gap year program at the Hartman Institute. He attended SAR school in Riverdale.

His biggest environmentalist inspiration is his older sister, who consistently makes an active effort to reduce plastic and better the environment in any way possible, including her efforts as a vegan. He spent much of his high school experience educating himself and peers on the effects of climate change and the benefits of switching to reusable materials. He learnt over the years that being educated and being able to explain pollution’s impact on the environment can make a real difference in the actions of those around him. His goals during his Internship is to help his program and other programs reduce their use of disposable materials and lessen their environment damage. Additionally, working with the Israeli community as a whole and in a more hands on approach to make a tangible impact on Israel’s pollution reduction. He can’t wait to make a difference throughout this year.

Intern 2021


Jason Ludwig

Jason Ludwig, born and raised in New York City, developed a strong passion for environmental stewardship at the University of Maryland where he received a BA in Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics. Now a college graduate, Jason is seeking ways to get involved with the solutions that exist to end our society’s wasteful habits. Jason has been in Jerusalem since June 2021 and has been interning for GreenQ- a technology company helping waste collectors and municipalities across Israel optimize their collection process, volunteering with the JLM Food Rescuers, and taking classes at Ohr Sameyah.

Jason is excited to continue exploring Israel, learn about Israeli culture, and use his four month internship at the Jerusalem Green Fund to make a positive impact on people and the environment in Jerusalem.

Intern 2021


Leila Haller and Raquel Shapiro

Leila Haller and Raquel Shapiro are currently gap year students in Jerusalem attending Bnei Akiva’s Midreshet Torah V’Avodah.

Leila and Raquel have spent the last eight months studying judaic studies while traveling the country and developing a love for Jerusalem. At the Jerusalem Green Fund they have learned about the significant work that has to be done in the city in order to build sustainable communities and educate on the importance of living an eco-friendly lifestyle.

They are excited by the opportunity to give back to their communities both in Jerusalem, and back at home in the US. Leila is from Bronx, New York and plans to attend Brandeis University next year. Leila’s passion for the environment has been a driving force in her life from a young age, fostering a love for the outdoors and political and environmental activism. Raquel is from Chicago, Illinois. Next year she will be studying to become an Environmental Engineer at Rutgers University. She is an eager activist for the environment and hopes to persuade others in her life to live a cleaner and greener lifestyle.

Interns 2021


Yana Delman

Yana holds a BA degree in International Business, an MSc in Sustainable Environmental Management and a Diploma in Law with an emphasis on environmental law. Previously Yana participated in a shark conservation research in Bahamas and in water contamination projects in Iceland. She has worked as an environmental impact assessment consultant for a steel company in Russia. Yana is extremely interested in reduction of plastic usage in Israel, particularly in Jerusalem as well as in conservation of species native to Israel. Yana will do her PhD in Israel, which will bring her closer to be a researcher and to help Israel to become a more sustainable country. 


Amanda Bostwick

Amanda is from California and is presently a graduate student at Hebrew University. She is obtaining her Masters in Nonprofit Management and Leadership. Amanda received her undergraduate degree of Political Science and Environmental Studies from Santa Clara University in California. She will be in Jerusalem for the year and is expressly looking forward to her internship at the Jerusalem Green Fund. Amanda is incredibly interested in eliminating food waste and environmental education initiatives. Her love for the environment comes from her three years spent abroad living in Guinea, West Africa. During this time, she was able to see the benefits of a farm-to-table lifestyle while at the same time combating various non-environmental farming practices. 

Intern 2019

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Emily Greenstein

Emily, from New Jersey, began her BA in Sociology with a minor in Sustainability at the University of Tampa. She has spent the past 5 months in Israel exploring her passions for volunteering on various agricultural projects in different communities. She is eager to deepen her love for the environment professionally as an intern for the Jerusalem Green Fund. Wanting to continue to connect with her Israeli roots, Emily will continue her degree in Israel. Her ambition is to explore the interface between communities and their environments. Emily advocates for proactive environmental change wherever she goes, and is extremely excited to learn from and be a part of the JGF this summer!

Intern 2019


Abigail Winograd

Abby is a student at the University of Georgia, majoring in International Affairs and minoring in Sustainability. She has a passion for people and enjoys building and fortifying compassionate communities. Her love for the environment was instilled in her by her parents from a young age, and it has become a major driving force in her life. Abby is vegan, loves the outdoors, and practices a sustainable life style. Her internship this summer with the Jerusalem Green Fund has already been incredible, and she is extremely grateful to be learning from and working with such accomplished environmental activists.

Intern 2019

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Normandy Toledo

Normandy is from Dallas and is currently pursuing an Urban Studies and Economics degree at The University of Texas at Austin. She is involved with various sustainability organizations around campus and is spending her summer in Jerusalem interning for the Romema Community Center and the Jerusalem Green Fund. She is passionate about working to improve the environment and loves being outdoors. She is excited to learn about how Jerusalem deals with its sustainability issues and wants to become more involved with the environmental scene around Jerusalem. 

Intern 2019

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Bradley Yam

Bradley has worked with the JGF on reaching more grassroots communities by establishing a database and designing workflows. He is currently an undergraduate exploring sustainability in urban design, technology and economic policy. He has experience working for a market-based water infrastructure social impact startup, prolonging the longevity of water infrastructure systems in developing countries, volunteering at urban farms with aquaponic, hydroponic and permaculture components. He writes a column in a Singaporean media outfit, and blogs about sustainability, technology and culture.

Intern 2018

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Davina Shoumer

Davina, from Los Angeles, is a student at California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo studying Environmental Management and Protection with a focus on Environmental Policy. Currently, Davina is spending her summer in Jerusalem interning for the Jerusalem Green Fund. She is excited to learn more about how Jerusalem tackles its environmental issues and to get more involved with the Sustainable Jerusalem Lobby!

Intern 2018

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Sharon Berezin Alves

Sharon, from Brazil, has a BA in Agronomic Engineering from the University of Sao Paulo. During her MASA's program, she's interning in JGF, focusing in urban food growing and volunteering in the Romema's Community Center and in  the Community Garden in the Natural Museum. She always has interest with subjects related with the environment and nature and she's excited to this opportunity of interning with it in Jerusalem.

Intern 2018

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Hila Leo Shapiro

Hila is a member of the JGF writing team and the Jerusalem Green Business Forum professional consultant for Strategic Sustainable Development. Hila is the founder and partner of the strategic sustainability consulting firm Ayana. She holds a M.Sc. in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability from Blekinge institute of Technology and a B.A. in Psychology and Economics from Ben Gurion University. Previously she worked as an economist in the business sector, monitoring and analyzing brand financial performance and innovation. Hila instructed and guided many groups in Israel and the world, and was part of managing different local and international socio-environmental projects. Hila enjoys hiking, bird watching and music. She loves working on matters that she's passionate about, and seeks to learn from any challenge and experience.

Professional Volunteer 2018

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Noah Falkner

Growing up in a small town in Southern Oregon, Noah was exposed to sustainability and environmental conservation from a young age. Presently, Noah is living in Jerusalem for two months until he returns to the U.S. to complete his undergraduate degree. Noah Falkner is currently pursuing a B.A. in International Affairs and a Minor in Economics from the University of Maine. Noah is passionate about both local and global politics and is excited to assist in the protection and environmental advancement of Jerusalem!

Intern 2018


Jeremy Edelman

Jeremy is an environmentalist and sustainable-food advocate. He received his BA in environmental studies from Washington University in St. Louis and proceeded to work in various environmental, food, and social justice non-profits over the next five years. Originally from New York, he is living in Jerusalem before he returns to Boston to begin a master's degree in Agriculture, Food, and the Environment at Tufts University, on his quest to improve food policy in the US. Jeremy has been instrumental in the JGF's young lobby, the Sustainable Jerusalem Lobby, focusing our efforts, consulting in numerous activities, and making contacts with environmental activists around the city. He is honored to be working with JGF during his time in Jerusalem!

Professional Volunteer 2017

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Du Runsheng

Du, originally from China, is an intern from the Rothberg International School at HU. He has spent his internship researching carbon offsetting, green roofs, and urban bio-spheres. He has also volunteered with the Food for Jerusalem forum working in Ein Kerem and at a local community garden.

Intern Oct 2016-July 2017

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Sara Lopez

Sara is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in the Nonprofit Management and Leadership program at the Hebrew University. She graduated with a BA in Religious Studies from UC Santa Barbara in southern California and currently lives in Kochav Yaakov with her husband, Yosef. In her internship, Sara is helping to develop resources for the JGF website and social media. 

Intern October 2015-July 2016

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Jason Cusner

During Jason's internship he worked with Helene Roumani at the Bio-Region Center.

Intern Summer 2016


Sonti Ramirez

Sonti has a BA in History and an MA in Eastern European and Slavonic Studies from the University College of London. Sonti has specialised in European Jewish diaspora history as well as the contemporary history and politics of Israel. In the past, she has worked on a number of projects to do with urban social development, both in Israel and Europe. During her internship, Sonti investigated the impact of the Jerusalem Railway Park on nearby neighbourhoods. Read her report here.

Intern Sept 2015


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