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Founder and Chairperson
Naomi Tsur is the initiating founder of the Jerusalem Green Fund.
Board Member
Eileen completed her MA at Hebrew University in Nonprofit Management and Leadership in 2020
Shoshana Shinnar made aliyah in 2015 from New York, has been a stakeholder since 2016,
Prof. Chariklia Tziraki -Segal is an MD, PhD, and expert in Medical Technology Assessment.
Mr. Naor Yerushalmi, until recently, served as Director of Life and Environment,...
Founder and Board Member
Richard serves as the Vice-Chair for the Jerusalem Green Fund.
Carol made aliyah in 2014 with her husband Mark
David Zwebner grew up in South Africa, and since making Aliya in 1966,
Count Philippe Piccapietra, Grand Chancellor of the Order of St. Lazarus in Jerusalem,...
Prof. Ehud Ziv is Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry,
Karen Stahl-Don is a licensed attorney in Israel and the US.
Yoel Siegel works as a senior consultant to U.N. Habitat.
Dr. Yaffa Schuster is the founder and head of the African Israeli Stage,...