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مبادرات أصحاب المصلحة  and الداخلية

Hamutal Bar Yosef

Quiet Jerusalem

"Quiet Jerusalem" is a social organization under the auspices of the Jerusalem Green Fund that deals with increasing the awareness of noise pollution in Jerusalem and fights for a quieter city.


We mainly concentrate on:

  • Car sirens in situations where there is no danger

  • Loudspeakers with excessive amplification at events, businesses, restaurants, and cafes

  • Construction noises before and after the hours allowed by law

For more detailed information click here.


If you want to join please sign our petition!


New Life for Old Things

Dr Anna Godneva and Dr Shira Belotzky are leading an exciting initiative together with a team of senior citizens artisans. Their team has found purpose and fulfillment in give a new flavour, colour, look or use to objects that have been in their families for year, but had been cast aside. Check out their work and upcoming exhibition on their website. Some of the profits from the sale of their items will go to the Jerusalem Green Fund. 

Dr. Anna Godneva
eileen steinberg.jpg
Eileen Steinberg

Young Green Global Coalition (GGC)

JGF’s Young Green Global Coalition (GGC), an international learning forum, is held via Zoom approximately every two months. Its members range geographically from China to Chile, including both coasts of North, Central, and South America. 


We understand what a cliché “Think Locally, Act Globally” may be for some, and yet it is never truer than now. Our GGC is thinking in both dimensions, trying to bring relevance, “green” spirit and living into our everyday lives, acting locally, thinking with one another on a global scale.


GGC’s current members include: JGF's past & present interns, students, and other interested "younger" contacts.  To support this group’s efforts, we’ve assembled a team of mentors (local & international). 


Past topics and discussions from various countries were: Slow Money Movement (China), supporting "green" businesses (NY), food waste (South Florida), The Ethics of Water Consumption (Mass), and education for generating social value in Central and South America (Mexico.)

There are many ways to get involved with the JGF.


Change the way Jerusalem looks by becoming an active part of the solution. The Clean-Up Jerusalem Initiative works with neighborhood councils, local organizations and communities, youth movements, and schools to clean up local areas by taking collective responsibility for public spaces. Keep up to date with our clean up events on our Facebook Page or email us.

Community Partnerships

The Jerusalem Green Fund is regularly participating with local organisations to improve Jerusalem's environment. Our partnerships include programs with Nefesh B' Nefesh, the AACI, The Michael Levin Base. You are invited to follow us on Facebook and keep update with these activities and participate in  our next event.

CONTACT  الولايات المتحدة

هاتف: + 972-50-312-2022

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האתר שודרג בתמיכה של המשרד להגנת הסביבה
The upgrading and improvement of our website was supported by the Ministry of Environment.

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